
This is the website for David Bamman’s research group! We are researchers at University of California, Berkeley’s School of Information and BAIR. Our work spans a variety of areas, including but not limited to: computational social science, cultural analytics, natural language processing, and computational precision health.

Prospective undergraduate research assistants should apply through URAP at the beginning of each semester.

You can also visit some of our friends around campus: Berkeley HCI, Berkeley NLP, and Digital Humanities at Berkeley.

[Group photo by Emily Liu.]


June 2024

Naitian presented his Social Meme-ing paper and Lucy presented her “One-size-fits-all” paper at NAACL in Mexico City.

Dec 2023

Nikita won an Outstanding Paper Award at EMNLP for her paper on clincal harm in machine translation!

May 2023

3 papers accepted to ACL/ACL Findings! Research on grounding characters in places, disentangling dramatic conversations, and measuring scholarly jargon all coming soon.

April 2023

Congrats Naitian for winning NSF GRFP (wow!) and Lucy for getting honorable mention for the Meta Research PhD Fellowship!

January 2023

Lucy was an Outstanding Intern of the Year at the Allen Institute for AI!

December 2022

Congrats Dr. Jon Gillick for filing his dissertation! We wish him the best as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Creative Computing Institute in London!!